Prana Massage and Bodywork
"Prana is the infinite matter from which all energy is born"

Dennis Corum, LMP (#00023938)
Brenneke School of Massage 2006,
Practice in Seattle area 4 years

Located at Dandelion Botanical Company
5424 Ballard Ave
Seattle, WA 98107

Table or Chair Massage
Walk-In or Appointment
Medical injury treatment and Wellness maintenance massage

Special Intoductory Offers:
15 minutes - $10
30 minutes - $20
60 minutes - $40

Call or email to inquire or for appointment:
Cell: (206) 380-6947


Through practice of varied modes of massage therapy, a holistic approach lends to the mind, body and spirit in each of us, a hand in discovering a unique balance, which in process identifies itself as well being.

Use of Swedish, Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation, Reflexology, Acupressure, Ayurvedic (including Marma Therapy), Deep Tissue, Neuro-Muscular techniques
Endorsed for Intraoral Massage (treatment of oral issues: TMJ, tightness in jaw/neck, headaches, pain in face and teeth, etc.)

Touch and Well-Being

"Often times people are stressed in our culture. Stress-related disorders make up between 80-and-90 percent of the ailments that bring people to family-practice physicians. What they require is someone to listen, someone to touch them, someone to care. That does not exist in modern medicine.
One of the complaints heard frequently is that physicians don't touch their patients any more. Touch just isn't there. Years ago massage was a big part of nursing. There was so much care, so much touch, so much goodness conveyed through massage. Now nurses for the most part are as busy as physicians. They're writing charts, dealing with insurance notes, they're doing procedures and often there is room for massage any more.
I believe massage therapy is absolutely key in the healing process not only in the hospital environment but because it relieves stress, it is obviously foundational in the healing process any time and anywhere."
Joan Borysenko - Massage Journal Interview, Fall 1999

Aside from being your gateway to touch and a great place to hang your clothes, your skin is also your largest organ. In a grown man, it covers about 19 square feet and weighs about 8 pounds. A piece of skin the size of a quarter contains more than 3 millions cells, 100 to 340 sweat glands, 50 nerve endings and 3 feet of blood vessels. No one is exempt from needing to be touched. Humans need to touch and be touched, just like we need food and well being is more than skin deep. From the moment of birth our tactile sense is being stimulated. Pushed out, picked and slapped on the bottom, we are placed at our mother's breast, and a bonding begins. -

Rates: Onsite:
15 min $20
30 min $45
60 min $75
90 min $90
120 min $110

60 min $90
90 min $110
120 min $130

Pre-Pay Packages:
4 60-minute massages expiring within a four-week period - $180
5 60-minute massages - $275 - (one free) - no expiration date
10 60-minute massages - $500 - (two free) - no expiration date

Provider for:
Premera Blue Cross, Aetna, Uniform Medical, First Choice Health Network, United Healthcare, Cigna, Washington State Worker's Compensation (Labor and Industries provider), Auto Injuries (Personal Injury Protection)

Benefits of massage:
Relieves stress and tension
Reduces pain
Improves posture
Increases range of motion and flexibility
Reduces blood pressure
Promotes deeper breathing
Improves circulation
Improves movement of lymph
Nourishes skin and enhances health
Enhances healing of muscle and joints
Reduces muscle spasms
Strengthens immune system
Aids in rehabilitation after trauma
Gives comfort during pregnancy
Has emotional benefit
Relives mental stress
Reduces anxiety
Gives peace of mind and relaxed alertness
Enhances creativity
Creates body awareness
Increases mind-body integration

Striving for balance of movement and its integrated motion throughout all of the body adds to richer life consciousness in all aspects of being.





Entry Door

Massage Table


Massage Chair for seated massage